Pro Bono
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How to Volunteer

公益中心提供多个法律学科的志愿者机会. The center serves more than 20,000 D.C. 每年都要感谢我们志愿者的慷慨努力. We support volunteers by providing expert mentors, guidance from our experienced legal staff, training, 和资源,以成功地代表客户或提供简短的法律意见或信息.

Full Representation (For Individuals & Families)

Advocacy & Justice Clinic

The D.C. Bar公益中心邀请志愿澳门赌场官网通过倡导申请代理客户 & Justice Clinic . Available litigation matters include family law, eviction defense, housing conditions, eviction record sealing, consumer law, and social security denial matters.  我们为志愿澳门赌场官网提供成功代理所需的支持——录音培训, practice materials, expert mentors, and malpractice insurance. Interested volunteers may complete our volunteer questionnaire.

Bankruptcy Clinic

Our Bankruptcy Clinic 为潜在的第七章债务人提供全面的代理咨询和法律援助. 志愿澳门赌场官网代表申请个人破产的个人提供建议, preparing petitions and related schedules, attending meetings of creditors,   以及处理第七章破产程序的各个方面. 没有破产澳门赌场官网经验的志愿者必须参加我们每年两次的培训课程. All volunteers must be members in good standing of the D.C. Bar or the bar of another U.S. jurisdiction. If interested, please contact us at [email protected].

Brief Services (For Individuals & Families)

Immigration Legal Advice & Referral Clinic

Volunteers may assist individuals through our quarterly Immigration Legal Advice & Referral Clinic. Typically held in March, June, September, and December, this clinic provides legal information, brief advice, 并向涉及美国民事法律问题的个人提供转介.S. immigration law. 我们澳门赌场官网活跃的澳门赌场官网志愿者来完成客户入学并提供简短的法律建议, information, and referrals. 专家移民澳门赌场官网在每个诊所现场监督和指导志愿者. Please click here to apply.

Business & Transactional Law (For Nonprofits & Small Businesses)

Our Nonprofit & Small Business Legal Assistance Programs (NPSB) provides brief advice legal services, information, full representation, 并为社区为基础的非营利组织提供培训.C. residents living on low incomes, 以及为经济健康和福利做出贡献的小企业.C. neighborhoods. We invite attorneys with transactional, business, 或者有公司法背景的人来我们的法律咨询诊所做志愿者, represent a nonprofit in an ongoing matter, train nonprofits and small businesses in legal basics, 或起草对这些组织具有重要意义的法律主题的教育指南. 我们在NPSB诊所提供虚拟和面对面的志愿者机会.

我们的NPSB志愿者为实体的形成提供帮助, tax-exempt status, corporate governance, employment law from the small business perspective, intellectual property, commercial leases, contracts, and risk management. 大多数志愿者在他们已经执业的法律领域提供帮助,但NPSB提供 a library of trainings to volunteers who lack the relevant experience.

有兴趣在我们每月的小型企业简要咨询法律诊所的虚拟版本中做志愿者的澳门赌场官网可以填写 this form. 为我们的非营利组织提供更多的志愿者机会 & Small Business Legal Assistance Program, please contact [email protected].

Non-Attorney Opportunities

The Pro Bono Center has opportunities for law students, paralegals, and other volunteers who are not attorneys.  Our Immigration Legal Advice & Referral Clinic provides legal information, brief advice, 并为涉及美国民事法律问题的人士提供转介服务.S. immigration laws. 我们澳门赌场官网澳门赌场官网志愿者协助完成从设置和后勤到翻译服务的各种任务. These clinics are held quarterly.  Interested volunteers may fill out this form or contact [email protected].

澳门赌场官网志愿者的另一个机会是我们每月的 Advice & Referral Clinic, which provides low-income D.C. residents with legal information, advice, 并在从破产和家庭法到公共福利和住房等民事事务方面提供简短的服务. Paralegals, law students, 其他非澳门赌场官网志愿者也可以参与进来,在客户与澳门赌场官网见面之前,通过与诊所参与者进行面谈来收集信息. For more information, visit our Advice & Referral web page or contact [email protected].

Our Nonprofit & Small Business Legal Assistance Programs 澳门赌场官网法律专业的学生和澳门赌场官网助理在我们的小型企业简要咨询法律诊所担任志愿者, held every other month. 该诊所为当地小企业主和有抱负的企业家提供有关公司和交易法律问题的简短建议和法律信息. 招募志愿者对诊所参与者进行简短的筛选面试,这样每个企业都可以有一个具有适当专业知识的澳门赌场官网来协助. No prior training or experience is required. 接诊轮班持续两个半小时,大多数诊所的接诊时间是下午5点.m. to 7:30 p.m. on weeknights or 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on Saturday mornings. 如欲加入我们的电邮名单,请电邮 [email protected].

Pro Bono Center Volunteer Training Program

Pro bono service often starts with training. 公益中心提供法律领域的培训.C. residents living on low incomes most need help. View our current training schedule here. Questions? Please email our training team at [email protected].

Other Pro Bono Resources

如果你对政府以外的无偿服务机会感兴趣.C. Bar Pro Bono Center, we invite you to view our online directory of legal services providers along with这是一个提供特区无偿服务机会的在线信息交换所.

Resources for Federal Government Attorneys

联邦政府澳门赌场官网可以通过联邦政府公益项目志愿服务. Please contact Laura Klein at [email protected] or Lara Eilhardt at [email protected].

Pro Bono Participation for Non-Members

Not a D.C. Bar member? D.C. Court of Appeals Rule 49 specifies certain exemptions for non-D.C. 在其他州获得执照的澳门赌场官网在华盛顿州从事无偿工作.C. 请检查规则,以确定您是否属于这些豁免之一. 澳门赌场官网符合第49条规定的非澳门赌场官网公会会员参加我们的培训课程.


准备参与公益中心的工作,但不确定如何开始? Contact our Training & Volunteer Specialist at [email protected] or 202-780-2591.

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